Join Andrew & His Partners! When you partner with Andrew, you are among a special group of people who stand alongside him to see more lives changed through the message of God’s unconditional love and grace.
Your faithful support helps Andrew reach the world with the Gospel truth through:
- Gospel Truth Television & Radio
- Gospel Truth Seminars/Rallies & Grace and Faith Conference
- Andrew Wommack Ministries Helpline
- AWME.NET & AWMI.NET Free Resources
- Charis Bible College

Give a one-time donation of any amount to Andrew Wommack Ministries.
Pledge to make a regular gift and become a Partner of Andrew Wommack Ministries.
Not sure which is the right choice for you? Below is a list of the essential information on both kinds of giving to help you make your choice. If you are still unsure, please do contact us for advice.
We really appreciate your support of Andrew Wommack Ministries and know that you will be blessed for the seeds you sow into the work of the Kingdom.
Make a single payment
Donations are for one-time or occasional giving, or even frequent giving of varying amounts. Donations give you the freedom to choose when and how much you give each time you feel led to do so.
Make regular pledged giving
A Partnership Pledge is a set amount that you dedicate to give to AWME each month. You are able to cancel your Partnerhsip at any time.
Choose where your money goes
There are various funds you can pay into. For more information go here.
Automatically receive teachings on CD/DVD
Various Partnerships include monthly teachings on either CD or DVD. For more information go here.
Authorize Gift Aid to be claimed by AWME (UK tax payers only)
Gift Aid can be claimed by AWME on all qualifying donations and all qualifying non-product partnerships. For more information go here.
Payment Options
Online payments via Credit/Debit Card or PayPal
Automatic regular payments via Credit/Debit Card
You can set up a regular payment which will be taken directly from your Credit/Debit Card account on a date of your choice. Please note, you will need to contact us to make any changes to the automatic payments.
Credit/Debit Card payments over the phone
Bank Transfer
Automatic regular payments via Standing Order (UK customers only)
You will need to contact us to receive the relevant bank details or request a Standing Order form. Please note, to cancel or amend a Standing Order you will need to contact your bank.
Cheque by post
Learn about the special way God is using Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College to make disciples. Partner with us.
After hearing the message of God’s unconditional love and grace through the Gospel Truth TV program, and graduating from Charis Bible College, pastors John and Grace Kimani are at the forefront of a grace revolution in Kenya. Partner with Andrew Wommack Ministries.
Through Andrew Wommack Ministries’ Discipleship Evangelism Mission Outreach (DEMO) partners are able to share the Gospel, provide clean water, and help establish self-sustaining communities in Uganda. Help share the Gospel.
Jamie and I are so thankful to have crossed paths with you. It’s an awesome privilege we don’t take for granted. More than forty years ago, God called us to teach the truth of the Gospel to the body of Christ. In May 2014, God released me to share my vision for this ministry going forward, which is to reach as far and deep with the Gospel as possible.
Do you remember the first time the revelation of God’s unconditional love and grace touched your heart? How did that change your relationship with God? Were you set free from religious condemnation? Maybe your new-found freedom in Christ led you to reach out to others. We want to make sure that more people, just like you, receive that same revelation.
God bess you,